Friday, February 5, 2016

Thoughts from Marv

It's Friday night and we have left the island and have begun our journey home! We are in Athens as I write this and are settling in to a "de-brief" period together. We spend a day here tomorrow and then leave for the states on Sunday morning

As I reflect on the week, I find myself in "process overload". Over the past week I have experienced the full gambit of emotions the human psyche has to experience! I have been way up high and way down low! God was very active in the lives of our entire team and I really believe it will take some time to reach "normal" again. But then again, I am not sure any of us want to reach normal again. 

This trip included ministry opportunities from the grass roots outreach of Christianity to Islam to intercession for fellow believers to encouragement for "feet on the ground" missionaries and young Christian singles and young marrieds! What an incredible time as a team we spent together. 

The refugee work on Lesvos is "triage" work. The work is an ever changing work as governments and politics meddle with human lives. But in it all, is a God who loves and cares for us all irregardless of who we are. "For God so loved the world.........." We experienced a moving target where flexibility is key.  God touched our lives this past week. He is alive! Thank you so much for your prayer support. God is soooo good!

I could go on and on but need to wrap this up! Thank you again, your prayers were answered! 
Blessed be the name of the LORD!

1 comment:

  1. So grateful to hear how God has worked!
    The Mateer Family
